Md. Rayhanur Rahman

Full Name Md. Rayhanur Rahman
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification MSSE, BIT (SE)
DBLP Profile
Google Scholar Profile Profile
ResearchGate Profile
Status On Study Leave


  1. Master of Science in Software Engineering, 2014
    Institute of Information Technology, University of Dhaka
  2. Bachelor of Information Technology, 2012
    Institute of Information Technology, University of Dhaka


  1. Lecturer (from 2014)
    Institute of Information Technology, University of Dhaka
  2. Junior Software Engineer (2014)
    KAZ Software, Dhaka

  1. A scalable resource provisioning scheme for the cloud using peer to peer resource discovery and multi-attribute utility theory
    R Rahman, K Sakib
    International Journal of Cloud Computing, 2017

  2. Recommendation of Move Method Refactoring to Optimize Modularization Using Conceptual Similarity
    M Rahman, R Rahman, BMM Hossain
    International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science, 2016

  3. Recommendation of move method refactorings using coupling, cohesion and contextual similarity
    M Rahman, R Riyadh, R Rahman
    International Conference on Imaging, Vision & Pattern Recognition, 2017

  4. A proactive approach for context-aware self-adaptive mobile applications to ensure Quality of Service
    S Hira, N Nahar, R Rahman
    International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 2015

  5. TFPaaS: Test-first Performance as a Service to Cloud for Software Testing Environment
    A Gias, R Rahman, A Imran, K Sakib
    International Journal of Web Applications, 2014

  6. Characterization and localization of performance-bugs using Naive Bayes approach
    M Sujon, S Hira, M Rahman, R Rahman
    International Conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision, 2017

  7. A peer to peer resource provisioning scheme for cloud computing environment using multi attribute utility theory
    R Rahman, A Imran, A Gias, K Sakib
    International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology, 2013

  8. IVRIDIO: Design of a software testing framework to provide Test-first Performance as a service
    A Gias, A Imran R Rahman, K Sakib
    International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology, 2013

  9. Provintsec: a provenance cognition blueprint ensuring integrity and security for real life open source cloud
    A Imran, A Gias, R Rahman, K Sakib
    International Journal of Information Privacy, Security and Integrity, 2013

  10. MobileMonkey - A Contextual Stress Testing Framework for Android Application
    R Rahman, A Seal, K Sakib
    International Journal of Computer Applications, 2017

  11. A formal approach to verify software scalability requirements using set theory and Hoare triple
    A Gias, A Imran, A Amit, K Sakib
    International Conference on Computer and Informatics Technology, 2013

  12. Cloud-niagara: A high availability and low overhead fault tolerance middleware for the cloud
    A Imran, A Gias, R Rahman, A Seal, T Rahman, F Ishraque, K Sakib
    International Conference on Computer and Informatics Technology, 2013

  13. DTCTH: a discriminative local pattern descriptor for image classification
    M Rahman, S Rahman, R Rahman, BMM Hossain, M Shoyaib
    EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing 2017

  14. MapBeing: An architecture for manipulating and publishing vector data in web based Geographic Information System
    M Moshi, N Rahman, R Rahman, K Sakib
    International Conference on Software, Knowledge, Information Management and Applications, 2014


Conference Papers

Journal Papers


Email: {first six letters of my middle name}

  1. Campus E-Presence at University of Dhaka, 2016
    Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project, University Grants Commission, Government of Bangladesh and the World Bank
  2. Bengali Language Grammar Checker, 2016
    Innovation Grant, Ministry of ICT, Government of Bangladesh
  3. Mobile App Testing, 2014-15
    Innovation Grant, Ministry of ICT, Government of Bangladesh
  4. Adaptive Software Development, 2016
    Research Grant, University Grants Commission, Government of Bangladesh
  5. P2P Resource Provisioning System, 2013
    National Science and Technology Fellowship, Ministry of Science, Government of Bangladesh
  6. Web Geographical Information System, 2014
    Research Grant, University Grants Commission, Government of Bangladesh